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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Watch Alyce Kills Movie Online Streaming Megavideo

Watch movie theater Alyce Kills

After accidentally knocking her best friend off a roof, Alyce is haunted by guilt and delves into a brutal nightmare wonderland of sex, drugs and violence, her mind tearing itself apart. . . along with anyone else who gets in her way. Director Jay Lee (ZOMBIE STRIPPERS) takes us down the rabbit hole and unleashes enough chaos and horror to satisfy any gore hound. Alyce Kills stars Tamara Feldman (HATCHET, "GOSSIP GIRL"), James Duval (DONNIE DARKO, DOOM GENERATION), Eddie Rouse (PANDORUM, UNDERTOW), Larry Cedar (THE CRAZIES), Yorgo Constantine (FAST FIVE), Megan Gallagher ("MILLENIUM") Rena Owen (ONCE WE WERE WARRIORS), Tracey Walter (REPO MAN, BATMAN), Bret Roberts (MAY, NIGHTSTALKER) and Jade Dornfeld making her film debut as the titular character Alyce. (c) Bloody Disgusting
You Can Watch Movie Online Streaming in HD from HERE
Release Date Alyce Kills May 24, 2013 Limited
Genres Alyce Kills
: Mystery & Suspense,Horror


Story Line For Alyce Kills

Total Vote User Alyce Kills : Visitor
User Ranting Alyce Kills : 3.4
User Percentage For Alyce Kills : %
User Count Like for Alyce Kills : 260
All Critics Ranting For Alyce Kills :
All Critics Count For Alyce Kills : 3
All Critics Percentage For Alyce Kills : 3 %

Actors For Alyce Kills

Jade Dornfeld,Tamara Feldman,James Duval,Eddie Rouse,Larry Cedar

Genres Alyce Kills : Mystery & Suspense,Horror

Review For Alyce Kills

It's ten times better than most horror movies that will hit the multiplex this year. Genre fans will eat it up.

The film is an ultra-violent parody of unearned self-entitlement, of people who feel tricked into a lifestyle they refuse to challenge for the comforts it still offers.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine

When Alyce kills, she does so with attitude and style, but with a hefty amount of lead-in material, we're left wishing we'd spent more time with Alyce the killer - but appreciate the time we had.
Matt Donato-We Got This Covered


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